10 April 2011


Between the 31st March 2011 and the 7th April 2011, 24 architecture students from the Faculty of the Built Environment at University of Malta were accompanied by Architect Chris Briffa, Architect Sandro Valentino and Architect Matthew James Mercieca on an educational visit in France.

Students from the first, mostly second, third and fourth years attended. The key locations visited were Maison La Roche and Villa Savoye (Paris), Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut (Ronchamp), La Tourette (Lyon), Eglise San Pierre and Maison de la Culture (Firminy).

A sense of positivity, self renewal and learning was felt by all. Many thanks to all the relative institutions for their assistance. A word of gratitude towards Architect Briffa and Valentino that organised the event.